Being part of Antioch21 Church has been both the most incredible experience and, at the same time, the most challenging thing I've ever experienced. Four years ago, Jesus opened a door for me to come to Orlando, and the lives I've seen Him change around me is truly amazing!
Through birthing a gospel community in my neighborhood, I've really begun to experience what it means to be a "good neighbor" - to love others as I love myself. One such person that God has brought into my life is Michelle Daniels.
I first met Michelle (pictured third from right), single grandmother and acting mother of Ivy (pictured far right) and Audry, when she began coming to our Sunday Gathering after Katie Yanusitus (second from right) invited her out. She hadn't grown up going to church, so this was a new experience for her. She began joining us in our gospel community last year and loved it, growing in her understanding of God's word.
This year we really began to notice her life changing as she began to take steps of faith in Christ and apply what she was learning about the truth of who Jesus is and what He did. I remember her saying, after having hours cut from her job one week, that her reaction to the adverse circumstance was "so unlike me. Instead of [stressing out] like I would normally do, I just told myself that God is in control and He will take care of things, I don't need to worry." Even her co-workers at Walmart are starting to take notice.
She is one of my many neighbors I've had the privilege of meeting, serving and sharing my life and faith with, which has, in turn, changed my life.
- Noah Seta